Calories per 100g of sauced pork ribs

366.00 kcal 9.60g 26.70g 21.70g
Calories Carbohydrates Fat Protein

Detailed introduction:
The sauced pork ribs are red in color, crispy in texture, rich in bone aroma, juicy and fresh, salty and sweet.

Food review:

The sauced pork ribs contain a high amount of fat and sugar during the production process, so they are very high in calories and should not be eaten during weight loss.

Nutritional value:

Sauced pork ribs are rich in protein, and the calcium and iron content are much higher than that of fresh meat, which helps the body delay aging. It also contains mucin-like proteins required by bone marrow to ensure the hematopoietic function of bone marrow.

Nutrition Encyclopedia:

Nutrition Content (per 100g) Nutrition Content (per 100g)
Calories (kcal) 366.00 Carbohydrates (grams) 9.60
Fat (grams) 26.70 Protein (grams)21.70
Cellulose (grams) Vitamin A (micrograms)
Vitamin C (mg) Vitamin E (mg)
Carotene (microgram) Thiamine (mg)
Riboflavin (mg) Niacin (mg)
Cholesterol (mg) Magnesium (mg)
Calcium (mg) Iron (mg)
Zinc (mg) Copper (mg)
Manganese (mg) Potassium (mg)
Phosphorus (mg) Sodium (mg)
Selenium (micrograms)
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